Sumo Citrus is the Fruit That Inspires

Our fans look forward to the bright beam of joy that is Sumo Citrus every season. All it takes is a single bite to get why Sumo Citrus has legendary status.

Sumo Citrus is the Fruit That Inspires

Sure, fans of the fruit know it inspires healthy snacking and on-the-go convenience because it’s seedless and easy-to-peel, but it also serves as a muse for our most creative fans.

Read on for a peek at some of the creative ways fans have expressed their love for this iconic fruit.

The Crunchiest Creation

@mister_krisp is an artist with a unique but tasty medium — rice crispy marshmallow “sculptures.” Jessica Siskin nailed the dekopon’s iconic top-knot and enormous size. Her version is the only one that’ll be crunchy instead of juicy.

A Vermeer-inspired Shot

An icon for an icon! @lauren_goldstein re-created Johannes Vermeer’s classic 17th-century painting “Girl with a Pearl Earring” to celebrate Sumo Citrus season’s arrival. We love her update — and hope she savored every bite after she got the shot!

Still Life with Sumo Citrus

What a breathtaking painting of our healthy obsession by Her oil on canvas features intricate brushwork and delicate contours — you can taste the extra juicy sweetness just by looking at this! She won a couple of competitions for this beautiful piece, too.

Ahead of its Time

“Never not waiting” for Sumo Citrus season, says @theregular__. We feel the same. This 1947 painting titled “Women and oranges on a white background” by Algerian artist Baya Mahieaddine, evokes everyone’s favorite enormously delicious fruit, doesn’t it?

The Juiciest Watercolor

This watercolor from @cloudbeeb is enough to make your mouth water! She painted this one shortly after the close of last season — and we can’t wait to see what inspires her this year.

Culinary Inspiration

It’s no surprise that chefs feel inspired by Sumo Citrus, too. Peek at this masterpiece of a vegan layer cake by @forsythia_forsythia — featuring Sumo Citrus jam and a rosemary-chocolate buttercream. We’ll be bookmarking this one.

If Sumo Citrus has inspired you in some way, shape, or form, head over to Instagram and tag @SumoCitrus to share your healthy obsession.


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